Laser Skin Resurfacing in Hollywood, FL

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What is Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing at Imperial Dermatology is a nonsurgical aesthetic procedure that uses advanced Lutronic CO2 fractional laser technology to deliver pulsating beams of energy, exfoliating damaged surface skin cells layer by layer. The treatment is great for reducing facial wrinkles and lines and for improving skin flaws such as pigmentation, acne scars, and other flaws. Also known as a laser peel, laser skin resurfacing is considered an effective facial treatment for patients who want softer, clearer, youthful-looking skin. Depending on the condition of the patient's skin type, the treatment can be adjusted accordingly. There is little recovery time required for most laser skin resurfacing treatments. Any concerns or questions can be reviewed with Dr. Simona Bartos during the initial consultation in Hollywood, FL.

What Are the Benefits of Laser Skin Resurfacing?

At Imperial Dermatology, we realize that with time your skin could get increasingly dry, flat, and lifeless. With laser skin resurfacing treatments, we can offer our patients in Hollywood, FL a way to get new skin with a procedure that offers many optimal benefits, such as:

  • Minimized look of creases and fine lines
  • Improved confidence about your skin's appearance
  • Minimization of pores
  • Reduced appearance of scars and uneven pigmentation
  • Improvement of patchy skin surface

How is Laser Skin Resurfacing Performed?

Before you are scheduled for a deeper or more intense laser resurfacing session, you may be asked to use a topical retinoid for 2 – 3 weeks before your laser appointment. This helps prepare the skin for more effective results. Medication will be prescribed prior to the procedure to help reduce discomfort so you can relax during your appointment. If your skin needs mild correction, a local anesthesia may be applied to numb treated areas of the face. For the whole face or more intense laser treatments, a form of sedation may be required. During the procedure, you can relax in our treatment chair while the Lutronic CO2 fractional laser passes over the your skin, precisely targeting the designated sections for resurfacing. The laser energy is designed to destroy damaged skin cells while also prompting new collagen growth.

Laser Skin Resurfacing FAQ

How much does laser skin resurfacing cost?
Laser resurfacing cost will vary based on the treatment type you select. During your initial consultation, Dr. Bartos will listen to your concerns and goals before discussing the different types of resurfacing. After this, she can help you decide on your resurfacing treatment and discuss costs. Imperial Dermatology regularly offers skin treatment specials and discounted packages, so ask for more information during your consultation.

What's the best type of resurfacing for me?
Dr. Bartos can help you decide which resurfacing option fits your concerns and goals during your consultation. What treatment is best for you will depend on the health of your skin, any skin issues, and how deep you want your treatment to go. How long you are willing to give your recovery might also be a deciding consideration when you create a treatment plan. When unsure, it is better to select a milder treatment to see how you like your outcomes and adjust as needed for your second appointment.

How can I help my skin recover after a resurfacing treatment?
Dr. Bartos or a member of her staff will explain how you can speed skin healing following your laser resurfacing treatment. The most important rule is do not peel or pick flaking skin. Doing this can lead to lasting damage including scars. You need to skip all hair removal methods on the treated skin, which includes shaving, waxing, or depilatory creams. We will suggest cream to help soothe treated areas.

Should I get laser skin resurfacing, a chemical peel, or dermabrasion?
Once she has studied your skin concerns, Dr. Bartos will help you decide if laser skin resurfacing or a chemical peel treatment fits your needs and goals. Although all three rejuvenate the surface of the skin, each has its own pros and cons. During your initial consultation, Dr. Bartos will review each option and make a suggestion for your treatment plan.

How often should I get laser resurfacing treatments?
Depending on the resurfacing options you and Dr. Bartos choose for your procedure, you might need to wait a few weeks or even months between treatments. Deep laser treatments will give you results that last a long time; however, they do need a longer recovery period. You should tell Dr. Bartos about how frequently you are willing to return for appointments so she can take this into account when choosing a treatment plan in your consultation.

A Softer, Clearer Complexion

Laser skin resurfacing at Imperial Dermatology offer amazing outcomes if you want a more youthful appearance. If you are curious about a laser peel and would like to learn more about them, and about other nonsurgical options at our Hollywood, FL location, we encourage you to contact us today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Simona Bartos or a member of her experienced staff.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.