How Can the Skin be Transformed with Lumecca IPL Treatments?
Too much sun exposure often results in brown spots and other forms of hyperpigmentation that can make you feel self-conscious. At Imperial Dermatology, we're proud to offer cutting-edge Lumecca IPL to refresh and rejuvenate your complexion.
Double board-certified dermatologist Dr. Simona Bartos understands the importance of healthy skin and provides personalized treatments tailored to your needs in Hollywood, FL. Call now to book a consultation and discover the benefits of intense pulsed light. Lumecca can reverse sun damage and restore your skin to its natural vibrancy.
How does sun damage cause discoloration?
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation penetrates deep into the dermis to treat keratinocytes and melanocytes, which are responsible for pigmentation. The result is hyperpigmentation, and it can manifest in various forms. Here are some common problems our patients face:
- Freckles
- "Liver spots"
- Age spots or brown spots
- Broken blood vessels and capillaries
- Vascular lesions
- Rosacea
Even minor aesthetic issues can make you feel insecure about your appearance. Lumecca IPL treatments help restore your confidence by providing a smoother, more even-toned complexion.
What is Lumecca IPL treatment?
Lumecca is a next-generation technology that is considered faster and more powerful than traditional IPL lasers. It works by targeting the skin with intense pulsed light, which is absorbed by the pigment (red or brown) and then converted into heat. This destroys the pigmentation without harming the surrounding tissue. Our bodies then clear away the damaged cells naturally.
Lumecca IPL delivers more energy than conventional IPL treatments in Hollywood, FL, making it an ideal solution for reversing sun damage and dark spots. It also provides faster results and requires less time in recovery.
What is recovery like after Lumecca IPL?
Patients of Dr. Bartos generally don't find Lumecca IPL to be uncomfortable or painful. However, minor side effects like redness and temporary darkening of the spots are common. Our staff can provide post-treatment instructions so you can have the best experience possible. Since your skin will be more sensitive to sunlight, we recommend avoiding sun exposure for two weeks and always wearing sunscreen, rain, or shine.
It's possible for some areas to flake or peel after hyperpigmentation treatment. This is a normal part of the healing process and should not last more than a few days. Never pick at your skin, as this increases your risk of complications like scarring. Once the flaking is complete, you should notice a brighter and more even skin tone. With repeated sessions, patients can expect to see dramatic improvements in their complexions. There is also an overall photo rejuvenation effect where the entire area looks younger and fuller with fewer wrinkles, lines, and folds. The crepiness of the skin is also greatly improved.
Why choose us for Lumecca IPL?
At Imperial Dermatology, we know that each patient has different cosmetic goals. That's why our double-board-certified dermatologist takes the time to learn about your needs and expectations before beginning any treatment. We're passionate about providing the most advanced technologies available and strive to provide superior service every step of the way. We strongly believe in Lumecca IPL because it can provide outstanding results with minimal downtime.
Address unwanted hyperpigmentation, red vessels, and more
Any form of sun damage or brown spots can be frustrating. Now, you can restore your natural beauty through state-of-the-art Lumecca IPL treatments in Hollywood, FL. Double board-certified dermatologist Dr. Simona Bartos proudly provides the latest advancements in skin care to each patient. Call Imperial Dermatology to learn more about intense pulsed light treatments or to schedule an appointment.